Error message

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Slash! cuts its way through The Game Crafter and the Android Market!

MONTREAL, CANADA, November 19th, 2011

Following Con Sonar, the first ever board game with an official smart phone app extension, Exequor Studios released The Game Crafter Mashup Contest finalist Slash! earlier today.

Con Sonar! hits the market

Con Sonar! logo

MONTREAL, CANADA, October 5th, 2011

The first ever board game with an official smartphone app extension, Con Sonar! was released earlier today through The Game Crafter while its extension has landed on the Android Market, with more smartphone platforms in the works.

New website, lots of new things coming up!

Welcome to the newly redesigned Exequor Studios website. Things might look a bit basic now but new content will be added soon. You can visit the "Our Games" section for information about our current releases. Just above is a sneak peek at things to come:

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